Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thanksgiving in Athens, GA

Jack's first plane ride! He loved it and made friends everywhere he looked.
Eli teaching Jack to throw rocks. Eli is pretty much a professional rock thrower.
The wind up...
reconsiders - perhaps eating the rock is a better idea
Thanksgiving dinner!
Grammy and Pappy Ed
Aunt Deb, Uncle Josh, and Eli

Saturday, January 21, 2012

our little cheeseburger

In honor of Daddy's favorite food: the cheeseburger
(Actually, I found it at old navy the week of halloween and it was the only costume in Jack's size and it was 75% off and then I took it to the check out and the guy said "The pants are missing - do you want us to look for the pants? or I can take an additional 50% off" Um, 50% please. Making this cheeseburger costume $3.50 - cheaper than a five guys.)
cheeseburger cheeks complete with extra ketchup socks and hat
Trick or treat!
Unfortunately no one was handing out rice cereal.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jackie and Bradford's wedding in VA

Our dear friends Will and Donica drove up from NC to meet Jack and be our babysitters for the wedding!
Jack L-O-V-E-D these fountains. His legs and arms were waving around a mile a minute.
Yes, his hood is up under his hat. It's how all the kids are wearing them these days.
It was fun to see Big Jack and SallyLee along with the rest of the fam.
Jackie & Bradford! We got a chance to see the Newlyweds on their way home from VT. There was an unexptected snowstorm in October! Cheers to the Mr. & Mrs!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012